Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blinky Christmas List v1.0.3 Released!

We released version 1.0.3 of Blinky Christmas List is released today!

This release is a recommended upgrade for current users, since it fixes a gift list-sync problem between the Gifts tab and the Shopping tab. Users should also see a modest performance improvement.

Scan the bar code on the right with Google Goggles to go directly to Blinky Christmas List in the Android Market, or search for "Blinky" or "Christmas List" in the Market app.

Be sure to rate Blinky Christmas List and comment on it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

My First Sale!

December 17, 2010 7:19am - A historic moment in my Android app-publishing career: My first sale of Blinky Christmas List! I'm so proud!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blinky Christmas List

My brand new Android application Blinky Christmas List is now live on the Android Market!

Here are few screenshots:


  • People View: Create shopping list of people, then add gifts, or...
  • Gift List View: List gifts first, then assign to people
  • Shopping List view: click, bought, done!
  • Edit People details (long click); Have they been naughty or nice?
  • Edit Gift details (long click); Purchased, Price and extra notes
  • Plus soothing, blinking Christmas lights keep up your holiday spirits!

If you are browsing this page on your computer and have your Android phone handy, you can use the QR code on the right to go direct to Blinky Christmas List in the Android Market. Just power up Google Googles on your phone, snap a picture of the matrix bar code on the right and follow the link.

If you are browsing this page from an Android phone, you can click this link to go right to the app: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.jaa.xmlist Warning! This link does not work in a regular web browser!

Otherwise, to get to Blinky Christmas List on the Android Market, open the Market application on your Android phone and search for "Blinky" or "Christmas List".

Let me know what you think!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Watch this Space!

I'm about to release my first app on the Android Market! Can't talk about it right now. Top secret, you know. I will say that it's, aahh, seasonal.

Anyway, can't talk! Busy, busy, busy! So much to do!